Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Lauren has made so much progress with her swimming this year! We started the pool season off slowly with Lauren being very cautious of the water and going under. She was still afraid to jump in the water unassisted. But after a few swim classes with an amazing teacher, Lauren is having a blast in the water! She will now jump in by herself with out even needing someone to catch her. She also LOVES diving for toys at the bottom of the pool. She has learned freestyle swimming and is currently working on backstroke too. We are very proud of her and happy that she has so much fun at the pool now!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dance Recital

Lauren has been practicing all year long for her first dance recital. It was so rewarding to see our baby girl up on such a big stage with such confidence. She did an amazing job and all the girls looked so adorable! It was difficult for mommy though to have to put make up on her little girl. Lauren LOVED every minute of it but to us it is just another sign of her growing up so quickly!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

She's 4?!

Our little angel is turning 4. I never knew time could go so quickly. Some days seem really long but when you look back another year has flown by. Happy Birthday Lauren!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Anniversary

We celebrated our 7 year anniversary this year!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Easter was fun this year. Both Lauren and Connor got to enjoy a couple of egg hunts. Lauren was good about collecting eggs and putting them in her basket. Connor more just found eggs and opened them on the spot to see what goodie was inside! After church we had our family over for brunch at our house.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sea World

We hit Sea World again this Spring Break! This time with friends and the kids had a blast! So much so that the boys needed a break! As for the attraction the girls had to the pig's behind...well we're not sure what was going on there??

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Houston Rodeo

We took the kids to the Houston Rodeo this year. Quite a different experience taking kids to a rodeo than all the rodeos I attended before kids. We mostly just played in the amusement park area. The kids had a lot of fun riding a toy train and Connor got to go on his first merry go round. He liked it about as much as Lauren liked her first merry go round...not so much!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Matthew had the opportunity to take Lauren to a daddy daughter dance. They dressed in their finest attire and Matthew started the date with a corsage for Lauren. Lauren loved every minute of it; she is in her element when she is on a dance floor. Apparently she got in every "choo choo train" / Conga line there was!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Keystone, CO

We started our year off with a trip to the Rocky Mountains. I have been missing the mountains and the snow and wanted to show the kids what real snow is like. We weren't able to do any skiing this year; but did enjoy a gondola ride to the top of the mountain, snowball fights, ice skating and some fun swinging and sliding the snow.